We are very pleased to announce the second season of THE SUN SETS EIGHT TIMES A DAY.
In the summer of 2021, eight artists based all over the world cultivated a digital garden while working on the notion of a renewed and improved social contract - on a global scale.
The material grown in July 2021 will now serve as the basis for eight consecutive performances, that will take place in each of the eight cities around the world. Last year, the audience was invited to digitally immerse into the artists' creative exchange - this time, the local audience in each city is invited to join in the global conversation while attending the on-site performances. The global audience can share a live moment in each performance.
So please save the dates & join the conversation.
We will post information on each performance in the upcoming weeks here and on Telegram ➡️ t.me.eightsuns
or Eightsuns website
-Tehran lab "Transient": 15-21 January
-Alexandria lab "Amanah Ya Bahr ": 21 January, Jesuit Cultural Center @jccalex
-Berlin lab: 30 January 22, Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg @tak.berlin
-Baku/Kherson lab & Marrakech lab: February 2022
-Beirut lab & Wrexham lab & Dehli lab: March 2022
Tehran: Azade Shahmiri / Alexandria: Abdalla Daif / Berlin: Lydia Ziemke / Baku/Kherson: Zarif Bakirova & Mykola Gomanuk / Marrakesh: Youness Atbane / Wrexham: Lucy Ellinson / Beirut: Maya Zbib / Dehli: Amitesh Grover
@azade.shahmiri @abdalla_daif1 @lydiabeata_ @zarifbakirova @atbane_youness @lucyellinson @mayazbib @amitesh.grover
"The Sun Sets Eight Times A Day" is being developed as part of "dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions" of the Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme. @kulturstiftungdesbundes
Supported by Re-Connect Festival @reconnectfestival

Re-Connect, the groundbreaking online performance art festival that launched last year in response to the coronavirus pandemic, is proud to announce its return for a second year. The second iteration of the festival with the special theme Re-Connect: Borderless, took place from March 25th—April 12th, 2021. This edition featured 60 performances and 16 lectures from artists and luminaries from 22 countries.
Projects included special presentations from the award-winning cast and crew of the VR immersive theater production, Finding Pandora X, in addition to panels presented by Culture Hub, Mozilla Hubs, Playtronica, IndieCade, and many more. All events were open access and free to the public
In light of the ongoing pandemic, this year’s theme, Re-Connect: Borderless reflects the festival’s goal to support underserved and geopolitically isolated communities across the globe. In an era of restriction, surveillance, and government censorship, highlighting and boosting artists in these communities and providing a platform becomes an act of solidarity. Our first run revealed a global interest in online performance art and a need to organize and expand the scope of the platform.
- Tue, 07 JanGoogle Meet
- Mon, 19 Febreconnectfestival.circle.so/c/meetups
- Sun, 30 MayZoom
- Thu, 27 MayZoom
- Wed, 19 MayZoom
- Mon, 12 AprInstagram
- Mon, 12 AprFacebook
- Mon, 12 AprYoutube
- Sun, 11 AprWhatsApp
- Sun, 11 AprTwitch, Zoom, Mozilla Hubs, STYLY
- Sun, 11 AprInstagram
- Sun, 11 AprZoom
- Sat, 10 AprZoom
- Sat, 10 AprTwitch, Zoom
- Sat, 10 AprZoom